Jake Horney Memorial

Josh Puffenbarger 2024 VAA Jake Horney Award Winner 

  2024Josh Puffenbarger2023Charles Nicholls
2022Shields Jones2020Ike Swart2019Fred Wilson
2018Harold Entsminger, Jr.2017Mark Craig2016Kelly D. Strauss
2015Forrest Mendenhall*2014Steve Sheets2013Richard Wright
2012Jerome Clark*2011Wimpy Isgett2010Richard Romanus
2009Wayne Garst2008Stanly King, Jr.*; Gaines Dickerson2007Grayson Smith
2006Buddy Updike2005G. Ray Boone*2004Robert "Bobby" G. Dotson
2003John Mastin2002George Daniel2001Ken Farmer
2000Rick Manley1999Grayson Smith1998Steve Proffit*
1997Guy Townsend1996Ted Counts1995John Boughton

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