Auctioneer of the Year

Wendy Grimm, 2024 VAA Auctioneer of the Year

  2024Wendy Grimm2023Clyde "Fred" Wilson
2022Dave Bumpass2021-2020Tony Wilson
2019Kervin Yoder2018Kelly Strauss2017Jimmy and Anne Grindstaff
2016Josh Puffenbarger2015Dubby Isgett2014Scott Marshall
2013Billy Dixon2012Ben Yoder2011Brian Damewood
2010Brian Kurdziolek2009Linda Staples Terry2008Shields Jones
2007Joe Gray2006Leon Linkous2005Wimpy Isgett
2004Jerome Clark*2003John S. Nicholls2002R. Craig Damewood
2001Mark Pangle, CAI2000Larry Linkous1999Barry Cole, CAI
1998G. Ray Boone1997Buddy Updike, CAI1996Stanley King, Sr.
1995Chris Rasmus, CAI1994G.R. Dick Heatwole, CAI1993Fred Reger, CAI*
1992George Daniel, CAI1991Steve Sheets, CAI1990James D. Vaughan
1989Harold P. Entsminger1988George Gartner1987Gaines Dickenson, CAI
1986Jack Peoples1985R.F. "Tip" Pangle, CAI1984Ron Tull, CAI
1983Richard Wright1982H. Layton Laws, Jr., CAI1981Vince Kopek
1980Calvin Jones1979Howard Herring1978Stuart Desper
1977Calvin Jones1972Jake Horney1971Dave Bumpass
1970Ronald Tull1969Morris Fannon1968Dave Leonard

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Since its founding in 1958, the mission of the Virginia Auctioneers Association (VAA) has been to promote the professionalism of auctioneers and auctions through education and technology.

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